Is the Census data confidential?
Your responses to the 2020 Census are safe, secure, and protected by federal law. Your answers can only be used to produce statistics. They cannot be used against you by any government agency or court in any way—not by the FBI, not by the CIA, not by the DHS, and not by ICE.
2020 Census Jobs
Want to earn extra income while helping your community? The Census Bureau is recruiting thousands of people across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count. To learn more, visit Census Careers.
Complete Count Committee:
Mayor Wilda Diaz has appointed several community leaders to Perth Amboy’s Complete Count Committee. Each member is tasked with the education and participation of the Census 2020 across the community. Individuals interested in participating should contact Dianne Roman at
[email protected] / 732-826-1690 Ext. 4322 or Martiza Rodriquez at
[email protected] / (732) 826-0290 ext. 4860.