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Rent Leveling Board

A. The Chairman or, in his absence, the Acting Chairman, shall have the power to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of records and may administer oaths and take testimony, and the provisions of the County and Municipal Investigations Law[1] shall apply. [1]Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 2A:67A-1 et seq.

B. The Board shall promulgate and issue rules and regulations to give effect to the purposes of this chapter and may revise, repeal and amend the same from time to time. Sufficient copies of the current rules and regulations shall be on file with the City Clerk and Coordinator for the Perth Amboy Rent Control Board.

Read more here Section § 353-6

On 10/12/2022, City Council passed an amendment to Chapter 353 to modify the City of Perth Amboy’s Rent Control Cap EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, 2022.

Amendment: At the expiration of a lease or at the termination of the lease of a periodic tenant, no landlord shall request or receive an increase in rent which is greater than three percent (3%) in the case of tenants whose rent includes a charge for water service and not greater than two and one-half percent (2.5%) in the case of tenants whose rental charge does not cover water service.
For a periodic tenant whose lease term shall be less than one (1) year, such tenant shall not suffer or be caused to pay any rent increase until such time as the periodic lease exceeds twelve (12) months, and such increase shall not exceed three percent (3%), in the case of tenants whose rent includes a charge for water service, and not greater than two and one-half percent (2.5%), in the case tenants whose rental charge does not cover water service, of the rent paid by the tenant in the twelfth month of the periodic lease.

All landlords subject to the provisions of the Perth Amboy Rent Control ordinance must comply with the new rent control cap effective immediately.
For further inquiry, please contact the Rent Leveling Board Secretary, Dianne Roman at 732-826-1690, ext. 4322 or by email at

Click here for a downloadable copy in English and Spanish


Board Information