Downloadable Media
Perth Amboy Public Library cardholders can download and stream a variety of media. You can download audiobooks, ebooks and magazines and stream movies and music at any time of the day, from wherever you are!

eLibraryNJ is a service provided through our membership in the Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium (LMxAC) that allows patrons to download audio books and ebooks in digital formats to computers and selected compatible devices.
When looking for your library, Perth Amboy Public Library card holders need to choose Libraries of Middlesex County Automation Consortium, After selecting it, you will be asked to input your library card number and PIN (if you need a PIN number, please visit our Circulation Department).
For more information including a list of compatible devices, visit the eLibraryNJ Help Pages.

Hoopla Digital provides access to music, ebooks, audiobooks, movies, comics, and television, with currently more than 400,000 titles available across those formats. Library patrons have access to all content instantly, without having to place a hold or wait for a title to become available.
Content can be streamed on a PC or Mac through Borrowed titles can also be streamed and temporary downloaded to iOS and Android devices.
Registration is required. You will need your Library Card number and PIN code in order to register for an account. Users are allowed five checkouts per month. This service is provided via our membership in LMxAC.

RBDigital the world's largest newsstand, offers FREE full color, interactive digital magazines for your enjoyment with your library card. Browse from the library's collection of popular titles with no holds, no checkout periods, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download.
- Current Issues - New issues are released simultaneously with the print edition many are available before they arrive at your library and are ready for immediate download
- Easy browsing - Browse your library's collection of titles one at a time, search for your favorite magazines by title or use the convenient category feature to find new magazines which meet your interests
- Manage your collection - Using the personal account you will create, you will have the opportunity to checkout the magazines you choose and read them instantly on your computer (both PC and Mac) or access the content on a portable media device. (Note: viewing options, including the ability to download or view the content while online, may differ based on the device and/or magazine publisher)
- No limits - Check out as many issues as you want and keep them in your account for as long as you wish
This service is provided via our membership in LMxAC.