The UEZ Program provides a number of tax incentives for enrolled businesses. We encourage business and property owners to read up on our program benefits, which include:
- Reduced Retail Sales Tax – currently 3.3125% *Only select businesses qualify
- Tax-Free purchases on capital equipment, facility expansions & upgrades, up to $100,000 annually & no cap on new construction
- Municipal Zone Assistance (view local programs below)
Click the image to learn about UEZ tax incentives.
Our office can assist you with the registration process! We speak Spanish! ¡Se habla español! Call us to see if you qualify. Book an appointment today by calling 732-826-0290 ext. 4051.
Be sure to bring the following documents to your appointment*:
1. EIN Number (Ex. EIN Confirmation Letter)
2. NJBRC (Ex. Sample NJBRC)
3. General Business Information (# of employees, capital improvement expectations, etc.)
Note: You will receive your tax exception documents within 2-3 weeks of processing/submission so that you can begin your tax exempt purchases for construction, renovations and/or equipment.
*We also encourage businesses to upload your documents to our UEZ Certification Form prior to your appointment so our office can review them ahead of time.
Before registering, please review the following questions to ensure your business qualifies.
Q: Is your business physically located within the UEZ boundaries?
Businesses are only eligible for the UEZ program if you fall within the boundary map. PO Boxes and addresses to any Shipping/Mail Centers (like UPS Store or Fedex) are not physical locations of your business. You can check if your business falls within the boundary MAP HERE or if you have trouble with the search map – please give us a call and we’d be happy to check for you.
Q: Do you have a federal tax ID number?
(Commonly referred to as an FEIN number)
Q: Does your business have an NJ Business Registration Certificate (NJBRC)?
This is different from forming a business in New Jersey. To register for an NJBRC, please visit the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services here. If you need help registering – please give us a call and we would be happy to set up an appointment to assist you. Please make sure that when you register for an NJBRC that you use the physical address of the business.
Q: Is your business in tax compliance with the State of New Jersey?
Have you been consistently filing for your quarterly business taxes and your corporate annual reports? Do you (or your accountant/bookkeeper) have a MyNJ username and password for the business? If not – do not worry, during the UEZ application process we can assist you in creating one.
You qualify? Great! Here are your next steps.
1. Confirm your business is located in the UEZ in Perth Amboy by calling our office at (732) 442-6421.
2. Create or login to a NJ Premier Business Services (PBS) account & add your business. PBS Instructions Link.
3. Click on the "Urban Enterprise Zone" when selecting a Service Center in PBS.
4. Complete and submit the UEZ Certification Application
5. For more info: New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Program | (877) 913-6837 |
View the maps below to see if your business is located within the Urban Enterprise Zone.